Zika Virus (ZIKV) is a RNA virus belonging to the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. This virus is transmitted through bite of Aedes mosquitoes, in particular Ae. aegypti. On February 1st 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared ZIKV a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Successively, considering the establishment of Ae. albopictus, WHO has classified Italy as having a moderate likelihood of local transmission of ZIKV, preceded in Europe only by France. For this reason an entomological surveillance plan was been activated in Sardinia in 2016. BG Sentinel Mosquito Traps have been positioned in 29 sites, comprising urban areas and points of entry, as ports and airports. Mosquitoes were collected fortnightly from April to December. A total of 3,089 mosquitoes were collected belonging to 10 species. The most numerous species have been Cx. pipiens s.l. and Ae. albopictus. All mosquitoes sampled have been assayed by real time reverse transcriptase PCR for detection of ZIKV RNA. A total of 584 pool have been analyzed and have been reported no evidence of ZIKV. A permanent entomological surveillance should be implemented principally in the urban areas and points of entry, as ports and airports, because Ae. albopictus, susceptible to ZIKV, is established in Sardinia and also know the recent introduction of invasive mosquitoes species Ae. koericus and Ae. japonicus in Italy.