Editorial policy

Editorial policies established by Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and Editorial Board are implemented by the Associate Editors.

Authors are not required to be members of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise. Manuscripts may be submitted from any country or territory.

Manuscripts must be written in English. Texts in Italian are also published, provided they are accompanied by an English translation. All material must be submitted exclusively to Veterinaria Italiana.

Authors are not required to sign a manuscript submission form but it is understood that the author has not published the submission elsewhere either in part or in full and has obtained the necessary written permission from any author whose work is cited as a personal communication, unpublished work or work in press, but is not an author of the manuscript.

The author will also have obtained written permission from any publisher or author who holds copyright of any work (figure, table, text extract) that is included in the submission.

Summaries and full pdf files of papers are placed on the website prior to publication of the hard copy.

Submission: manuscripts are submitted to: veterinariaitaliana@izs.it.

Using the Guidelines for Authors will expedite review and editing processes.