Submission procedure
Please remember that Conference Registration is Required. All presenters (oral or poster) must register to attend the conference. Abstracts from presenters who have not registered for the conference will be withdrawn from the Conference Proceedings. If unable to attend, or register, a presenting author may nominate another co-author who is registered for the Conference to present on their behalf.
If you are already registered for the conference, please:
register your account for the Conference Proceedings abstract,
download and complete the abstract submission form,
upload your abstract.
If you are not registered for the conference, click here before the submission procedure.
The submission should be original, the actual abstract text should be new and not already submitted to other conferences.
Abstracts must be submitted in English and should fit in a one single A4 page, as the format provided.
Please provide an abstract having a minimum of 250 words and up to 350 words in length. The abstract should clearly describe the topic, the methods and results.
The presenting author should be highlighted in bold font.
Abstracts should not contain any undefined abbreviations; all abbreviations must be spelled out on first use. They should not contain any unspecified references.
Abstracts must not contain, tables, pictures and diagrams. Please be sure that your Word Document submission does not include Track Changes
Please provide up to five keywords, which can be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should be arranged in alphabetic order and separated by a comma.
Abstract submitters will receive an initial confirmation of receipt within a few days.
By submitting the abstract, you agree his publication within the conference proceedings.
Language and Style
Abstracts must be submitted in English and should fit in a one single A4 page, by using the template provided. Abstract narrative must be clear and concise. Please remind that abstract editing is under the responsibility of submitting authors, which should thoroughly check them for spelling and grammar before submission. All abstracts will be published as received, if accepted by the scientific committee.
Section and category of Presentation
While submitting your abstract, please indicate the session in which your presentation would fit:
I. Taxonomy, Evolution, Emerging Species
II. Genomics and Proteomics
III. Pathogenesis and Host-Pathogen Interaction
IV. Immunology
V. Vaccination
VI. Diagnostics
VII. Human Brucellosis
VIII. Epidemiology, control and eradication
IX. Wildlife Brucellosis
After that, please indicate:
- oral or poster presentation
- poster only
Abstract evaluation and acceptance
The members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts on the basis of the following criteria:
- Research innovation and quality
- Importance and interest on the findings for the international scientific community
- Potential to be applied in the field for brucellosis control and eradication
- Clearness and precision in commenting on the findings
Please remind that abstracts are supposed to provide sufficient detail to facilitate the review process by the scientific committee. Abstract poorly written or abstract for which the above criteria cannot be evaluated will not be accepted for presentation at the conference.
As there will be a limited number of time slots for short presentations, the Scientific Committee will select the abstracts for oral communications. All other accepted abstracts will be given a place at the poster session.
Please note, Authors are advised that submission or acceptance of an abstract does not constitute or guarantee registration for the Conference. All delegates must register separately online.
After abstract acceptance
All accepted papers will be published online as a volume in the Conference Proceedings Series (Veterinaria Italiana. International Journal of Veterinary Public Health) and copyrighted with ISBN and DOI code.