Basic knowledge and misconceptions on antibiotic use: a comparative survey between Veterinary College and High School students in Bari (Italy)


Antibiotic use
Antibiotic resistance
Cross-sectional survey

How to Cite

Corrente, M., Trotta, A., Marinaro, M., Cavalli, A., Lovreglio, P., Cirilli, M., & Buonavoglia, D. (2021). Basic knowledge and misconceptions on antibiotic use: a comparative survey between Veterinary College and High School students in Bari (Italy) . Veterinaria Italiana, 57(2), 127–134. https://doi.org/10.12834/VetIt.2302.13130.1


Misconceptions about the use and effectiveness of antibiotics contribute to the persistence of antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this study was to gather information on appropriate use of antibiotics in students from the Veterinary Medicine College (G1, n = 119) and from High School (G2, n = 220), from Bari (Italy) through a questionnaire. The response rate was 89% in G1 and 89.5% in G2. Fiftyfive % of college students and 79% of highschool students had taken antibiotics in the last 12 months. Unsurprisingly, highschool students had more misconceptions about antibiotics than G1. The majority of misconceptions stated that
i) antibiotics kill viruses (OR 8.4, CI 4.814.7, p < 0.001); ii) they are active against cold and
flu (OR 4.6, CI 2.68.1, p < 0.001); iii) it is possible to purchase antibiotics without a medical prescription (OR 7.3, CI 4.312.5, p < 0.001). Information campaigns among young people are urgently needed to reduce misuse and to improve knowledge on antibiotic.



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