GeoVet 2023 International Conference
P04.4 The model-driven approach to zone geospatial standardisation – the GeoZone project


Data product specification
Process model
Requirements analysis
WOAH collaborating centre



WOAH Terrestrial Code (hereafter Code), defined a zone as “a part of a country defined by the Veterinary Authority, containing an animal population or subpopulation with a specific animal health status with respect to an infection or infestation for the purposes of international trade or disease prevention or control” (WOAH, 2021). However, in the Code there is no indication on how to represent zones geographically. From a GIS perspective, what is missing in the Code specifications are the zone geospatial data model, including application schema, data content, data quality level, geospatial data accuracy, referencing information type and data structure type. The GeoZone project aims to develop a zone geospatial model for implementation by 182 WOAH Members. This study describes the model-driven approach used to develop the GeoZone geospatial data specification.

The organisational model is an abstraction of the RM-ODP framework (SO/IEC 10746-3:2009), which allowed for the early identification of issues relevant to data specification in the process. The goal was to identify numerous issues before implementation.

The framework consisted of five main threads:

(i) Requirements are defined through use-case scenarios, who, in their turn described with user-story narratives, including a template for use-case definition and a specification checklist. These documents assisted discussions between the domain experts from WOAH Collaborating Centres (CC) and GIS experts. The discussion’s result was documented in the requirements model.

(ii) GIS experts used ISO 19131 to draft the zone geospatial Data Product Specification (ISO 19131:2007). GIS experts gained a comprehensive understanding of the relevant zones. This understanding was documented via an application schema using the UML as conceptual schema language, following ISO 19100 profiling. This application schema became the core of the specification.

(iii) With WOAH CC domain experts’ support, the initial draft of the zone geospatial data product specification was integrated with various sections including scope, identification, content, structure, reference systems, quality, delivery and metadata.

(iv) The data specification results will be tested in a pilot study, to verify its applicability and sustainability.

(v) A “technical guidance” document will be created to support Members in implementing the standard, considering the complexity of the data product specification for the non-experts.

The Zone Geospatial Data Specification document has been created and will be presented to WOAH for consideration and feedback.

To establish a sustainable zone geospatial data model for WOAH, the experts of the seven WOAH CC followed an RM-ODP framework with two distinguishing features. Firstly, it follows a cyclic approach, gradually enhancing system definition and implementation based on expressed requirements. The other feature is a set of anchor point milestones, ensuring stakeholder commitment to achievable system solutions.


World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). Terrestrial Animal Health Code. 2021.

Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model. ISO/IEC 10746-3:2009.

Geographic information — Data product specifications. ISO 19131:2007.